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Enterprise Risk Management

School Violence Prevention  

 Youth Violence Data. View national and state trends and patterns. Visit http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/youthviolence/stats_at-a_glance/index.html for more information.

Live Training

Incident Response Team Training (Threat Assessment Team)

The Incident Response Team directs the school violence prevention initiative and administers, communicates, and maintains the established school violence prevention policies, procedures and guidelines district-wide. Following the training, team members will have the knowledge to coach faculty and administrative staff when confronted with potentially violent situations. In addition, the Incident Response Team can participate in the future training of teachers, supervisors, employees and students.

In the event of a threat or incident of school violence, members of the Incident Response Team, assess and determine the appropriate responses for the organization. Team members are trained in the use of the proper procedures and techniques to handle threats and incidents of school violence on a district-wide basis. The training package includes a Policy and Procedure Manual than can be customized.

Faculty/Administrative Staff Training

Research on incidents of school violence has shown that warning signs almost always precede acts of violence. Also, perpetrators of violent acts escalate from lower recognizable stages of violence. Faculty and Administrative staff are trained to recognize these stages and warning signs, enabling them to provide intervention or seek assistance before problems escalate. In addition, Faculty/Administrative Staff receive training in techniques and procedures for safe and appropriate responses to situations of threat.

PWI will provide your organization with training workshops that are interactive and specifically designed for Faculty and Administrative staff. These detailed programs have been implemented at numerous school systems. They have been thoroughly tested and have received excellent "market acceptance". The training program includes instructor presentation and participant handouts.

Managing Potentially Violent Parents, Clients and Visitors

This training program is designed for employees who interact with the general public on a daily basis. It prepares employees to effectively handle difficult, angry, hostile and potentially violent individuals or situations. The training is based on threat recognition, personal safety tactics, and effective verbal skills.

Violence Vulnerability Site Assessment

The Violence Vulnerability Site Assessment is a management tool designed to evaluate the degree of compliance, processes and activities an organization possesses against pre-determined reference standards. The standards are based on subject matter experts in violence prevention, OSHA criteria and the assessment of specific criteria related to schools, business and industry. A team of professionals with multidisciplinary backgrounds developed the Violence Vulnerability Site Assessment. Their backgrounds include clinical, social and forensic psychology, communications, crime prevention specialists, police officers, lawyers and research method specialists.

The Violence Vulnerability Site Assessment will be conducted by professionally trained auditors who are familiar with the procedures for conducting assessments and who are well educated in the reference standards which support the criteria being assessed.

Following the completion of the assessment, PWI professionals will complete a statistical analysis, using the Violence Quotient Index. This index provides a ranking of vulnerability aspects and helps the organization determine which security elements pose the greatest risk.


"Taking proactive steps can help reduce your risk"

Professional Workplace Interaction, Inc.
Phone: (858) 484-9112 E-mail:  information@pwiusa.com


Copyright © 1997-2013, Professional Workplace Interaction, Inc.

 Youth Violence Data. View national and state trends and patterns. Visit http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/youthviolence/stats_at-a_glance/index.html for more information.

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