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Behavioral Risk Management®

Overview – Compliance and Improving Intercommunication

Studies indicate that most Americans take pride in being open-minded and fair.  These studies also suggest that most of us do not intentionally disrespect others, nor do we enjoy being perceived as sexist or racist.  Yet, even though no one wants to be labeled in this negative light, many people report not knowing how to behave in such a way as to avoid these pitfalls. PWI offers compliance and intercommunication training designed to help participants have a better understanding of the facts versus the myths regarding potentially detrimental workplace issues. They will give participants some communication guidelines that may help avoid issues like harassment and promote professional interaction and better communication in the workplace.


On-site & Consultative Solutions

 Live Training and Professional Services include:

         Harassment in the Workplace “Things Employees Should Know”: This course examines the issues of harassment in the United States, and offers guidelines for professional interaction in the workplace.

         Harassment in the Workplace “Things Managers Should Know”: When dealing with the topic of workplace harassment, managers and supervisors have additional responsibilities and liabilities over general employees. Managers and supervisors need to consider how their status in the organization affects these responsibilities as well as how they communicate within the organization.

         Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Prevention Training (Complies with California AB1825 requirements): This training provides information on the definition, key terms, and legal guidelines regarding sexual harassment and discrimination. Participants will examine biases and attitudes through self-assessment and learn effective preventive measures.

         Conflict Resolution Training: This training program teaches managers and supervisors to negotiate win-win scenarios and diffuse conflict. The goal is to learn how to avoid power struggles, recognize, and resolve conflict at its earliest stages.

         Professional Interaction in the Workplace: This workshop combines cultural diversity and sexual harassment issues addressing the changing workplace.

         Cultural Diversity Training: This course focuses on the concept of individual biases and issues such as racism, sexism, and power, as well as psychological and sociological processes to assist in harmonizing culturally diverse workforces.

         Ethics: PWI’s ethics course defines the motives of ethical conduct and the characteristics of ethical managers, supervisors and employees. It identifies unethical behavioral risk and the cost to the organization.

PWI Custom designed and blended learning

PWI’s Online Learning Center titles can be combined with our live training and supported by our professional assessment and best practices services.

"Taking proactive steps can help reduce your risk"

Professional Workplace Interaction, Inc.
Phone: (858) 484-9112 E-mail:  information@pwiusa.com


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